The recommended core text to assist those studying is “A Year with the Catechism: 365 Day Reading Plan” (Paperback, CTS, Jan 2018) by Petroc Willey (Author), Dominic Scotto (Author), Donald Asci (Author), Elizabeth Siegel (Author)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a glorious gift to the universal Church, but we are aware that its sheer size and apparent complexity can be intimidating at a first glance. Accompanying our reading of the Catechism text we therefore recommend the use of this very affordable text. This commentary on the Catechism makes the flow of the text apparent by drawing attention to recurring themes and highlighting the “mountain ranges” in the Catechism’s landscape; explains terms that may be relatively unfamiliar and provides a way of engaging with teachings that can appear strange, or even discordant in relation to certain commonly-held views today; leads readers to a greater understanding and love of the text of the Catechism by uncovering the treasures to be discovered in its pages and drawing attention to the magnificent and beautiful “symphony of the faith” presented in that text; and highlights the spiritual and pastoral elements of the text.
The text is authored by four scholars working in each of the areas treated in the Catechism: Dr Petroc Willey, the lead author for the commentary on the Prologue and Part One of the Catechism’s text; Rev Dr Dominic Scotto, T.O.R. of Part Two; Dr Donald Asci of Part Three, and Elizabeth Siegel of Part Four.