Student Testimonial
Having been baptised in the Spirit, I was drawn to a deeper prayer life. The Sacraments became more meaningful and also my interest in the Church (people). I had inner convictions as to what was more important and my sin became clearer to me, not in a shameful way but Love and Mercy go hand in hand. I had a loving Father in God who through His Son Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit would be with me.
I was going through a very difficult trial in my life and I felt doing the catechism course was an opportunity to help. I believe Faith and knowing who we are in Christ is the answer or strength to face life’s difficulties.
I saw the catechism course as a counselling session, a way to gain self knowledge , and the knowledge of God brought to a deeper understanding. It proved all of these to me, and the interaction with the other participants made it what I see our faith should be, enjoyable and fulfilling. We didn’t have all the answers but the questions gave us food for thought and a few laughs.
I am convinced of the treasure and challenge of our Catholic teaching. I was encouraged by the potential of others who hopefully would possibly bring the course to every parish supported by our priests.
Doing the assignments was my biggest challenge but it was very beneficial.
Now I need to do it again……(joke)